
Advanced Test and Measurement
Instruments and Power Supplies

Arbitrary Generators

Arbitrary Generators

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BK Precision 4078C Waveform Generator 30MHz BK Precision 4078C Series
Arbitrary Function Waveform Generator series with 30 and 50 MHz versions
Aim-TTi TGF4242 Function Generator (TGF4000 Series) - front Aim-TTi TGF4000 Series
Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator with 40 to 240MHz models
AIM-TTi TGP3121 (TGP3100 Series) Pulse and Function Generator - front Aim-TTi TGP3100 Series
Pulse and Universal Generator with 25 or 50MHz models, single or dual channel
Aim-TTi TG5011 High Performance Function/Arbitrary/Pulse Generator Aim-TTi TG251xA/501xA Series
High Performance Function/Arbitrary/Pulse Generator 25MHz or 50MHz, 1 or 2 Channels
Rohde & Schwarz (HAMEG) HMF2550 function Generator - front Rohde and Schwarz HMF2550
50MHz Arbitrary Function Generator
Rohde & Schwarz (HAMEG) HMF8525 Function Generator - front Rohde and Schwarz HMF2525
25MHz Arbitrary Function Generator